
All Genetics Courses

Genetics 133: Genetics in the News
The science of genetics is at the heart of many issues facing our society and, as such, genetics is often in the news. This course explores the underlying genetics and methodologies to gain a deeper understanding of the science behind the headlines so that we can make more informed decisions as citizens. We will use popular media related to genetics as a forum to explore basic concepts in genetics, the practice of experimental science and related ethical issues. Open to Freshmen, science, and non-science majors. Fall, Spring, 3 credits

Genetics 155: Freshman Seminar
Survey of Genetics and student success strategies. Meets CALS first-year seminar requirement. Open to Freshmen. Fall, 1 credit

Genetics 289: Honors Independent Study
Enrolled in the CALS Honors Program, Sophomore or Junior Standing. Req: InterAg 288. Fall, Spring, Summer, 1-2 credits

Genetics 299: Independent Study
Permission requires completion of Independent Study Form. 1-3 credits

Genetics 399: Internship/Cooperative Education
Permission required from Student Services Coordinator. Fall, Spring, Summer, 1-3 credits

Genetics 400: Study Abroad in Genetics
Provides an area equivalency for courses taken on Madison Study Abroad Programs that do not equate to existing UW courses. Req: Current registration in a U.W.-Madison Study Abroad Program. Fall, Spring, Summer, 1-6 credits

Genetics 466: Principles of Genetics
For non-majors. Genetics in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Includes Mendelian genetics, mapping, molecular genetics, genetic engineering, cytogenetics, quantitative genetics, and population genetics. Illustrative material includes viruses, bacteria, plants, fungi, insects, and humans. Req: (Biology/Botany/Zoology 151 or Biocore 381 or Biology/Botany 130 or Biology/Zoology 101 and 102) and (Chem 104 or Chem 109 or Chem 115). Fall, Spring, Summer, 3 credits

Genetics 467: General Genetics I
For majors. Genetics of eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Includes Mendelian genetics, probability and hypothesis testing, genetic mapping, molecular genetics, gene expression and genetic engineering. Illustrative material includes viruses, bacteria, plants, fungi, insects, and humans. Students may not enroll for Genetics 466 and Genetics 467/468. Req: (Biology/Botany/Zoology 151 or Biocore 381 or Biology/Botany 130 or Biology/Zoology 101 and 102) and (Chem 104 or Chem 109 or Chem 115). Fall, 3 credits

Genetics 468: General Genetics II
For majors.Genetic analysis, population genetics, evolution and quantitative genetics. Includes mutant screens, pathway analysis, mosaic analysis, reverse genetics, genomics, Hardy-Weinberg & linkage equilibrium, inbreeding, genetic drift, natural selection, population structure, inheritance of complex traits, domestication and human evolution. Students may not enroll for Genetics 466 and Genetics 467/468. Req: Genetics 467. Spring, 3 credits

Genetics 520: Neurogenetics
This course will cover the Genetic basis of brain development, function, and diseases and the Genetics model organisms/tools for studying brain development, function and diseases. The course will use examples to inspire interest in this fascinating field. Req: Genetics 466, 468, Biocore 587, Zoology 523 or Psych 454. Fall, Spring, 3 credits

Genetics 522: Evolution Seminar Series-Undergraduate
The Evolution Seminar Series exposes students to diverse topics in contemporary evolutionary biology. Most weeks, one or more guest lecturers present their own primary research on a specialized topic in evolutionary biology. Diverse seminars include perspectives from genetics, ecology, geoscience, zoology, botany, microbiology, systematics, molecular biology, and integrative research. Some weeks feature special topics and discussions on pedagogical, legal, outreach, or other issues in evolutionary biology. Students learn to think critically about methodology, experimental design and interpretation, and how conclusions are reached in evolutionary biology by reading primary and secondary literature, attending seminars, discussing topics with speakers and other students, moderating discussions, and preparing a written report. Req: Zoology 410 or concurrent enrollment. Fall, Spring, 2-3 credits

Genetics 525: Epigenetics
Introductory course in epigenetics- the layer of chemical information that sits on top of the genome- that switch genes ‘on’ or ‘off’. Will introduce how the epigenome, in collaboration with the genome, controls versatile biological processes and cell fates. Will also cover the latest advances of how humans can control their own epigenetic destiny by lifestyle, diet and other environmental factors. Req: Genetics 466, Genetics 468. Spring, 3 credits

Genetics 527: Developmental Genetics for Conservation: Building an Organism
Human-induced factors such as changes in land use and global climate are causing rapid worldwide biodiversity loss. Can modern molecular genetics contribute to species preservation? In this course, we will first explore the challenges and potential of molecular genetic methods based on biobanking, gene editing and nuclear transfer for animal biodiversity preservation. The course will consist of weekly lectures/discussions based on primary research literature. Topics covered will include: i) maternal factors and early animal development, ii) interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (isSCNT) and oocyte-mediated reprogramming in animal cloning, iii) developmental, phylogenetic and ecological considerations for biobanking, iv) gene editing and synthetic biology as potential tools to recapture biodiversity. Students will use knowledge in animal population status, developmental genetics and phylogeny to address real-life problems involving the conservation of threatened animal populations. Req: Genetics 466, Genetics 467, Biocore 381. Fall, Spring, Summer, 3 credits

Genetics 528: Banking Animal Biodiversity: International Field Study in Costa Rica
Study abroad course that provides an on-site educational experience where we use developmental genetics concepts to guide projects of biobanking and oocyte-mediated cloning, as a potential last-defense resort for the preservation of living species under risk of extinction. It will provide hands-on experience in current research and activities in biodiversity areas, including visits to biodiversity-rich ecosystems, on site seminars and demonstrations, biodiversity preservation activities, as well as exposure to local culture and social needs. Req: Genetics 466, Genetics 467, Biocore 381, or Zoology 470. Genetics 527 recommended. Application required. Spring break, 1 credit

Genetics 545: Genetics Laboratory
In this course, students will learn to study biological problems using genetic strategies. Students will learn transmission genetics and molecular genetics by studying Drosophila and S. cervisiae. Req: Genetics 466 or 468 and instructor consent. Fall, Spring, 2 credits

Genetics 548: The Genomic Revolution
Provides a broad survey of the field to enhance student appreciation for the profound advances that are now possible thanks to genomic data and thinking. Req: Genetics 466, 468 or Biocore 587. Spring, 3 credits

Genetics/Horticulture 550: Molecular Approaches to Crop Improvement
Introduction of basic concepts of plant molecular biology and molecular techniques in current use. Topics include: organization and regulation of plant genes, gene cloning and analysis, transformation systems for plants and molecular techniques for crop improvements. Req: Biochem 501 and Genetics 466 or 468. Fall, 3 credits

Genetics 564: Introduction to Genomics and Proteomic Analysis
The basic principles of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics will be taught through a semester-long project of the students choosing. Creative problem solving in science skills will be learned through a variety of active-learning techniques that include reading primary literature, group presentations, peer review, bioinformatic lab exercises, science communication skills (writing & visualization), and creating a website. Emphasis will be placed upon how to effectively communicate science (written, oral and written). Topics include: genomic sequencing, phylogeny, domain analysis, transcriptomics, CRISPR screens, chemical genomics, quantitative proteomics and protein networks. Capstone course. Biochem 501 and Microbio 303 recommended. Req: (Genetics 466 or Genetics 468) or (Biocore 587) and instructor consent required. Not open to Graduate Students. Spring, 3 credits

Genetics/MD Genetics 565: Human Genetics
Principles, problems, and methods of human genetics. Surveys aspects of medical genetics, biochemical genetics, molecular genetics, cytogenetics, quantitative genetics, and variation as applied to humans. Req: Genetics 466 or Genetics 468 . Fall, 3 credits.

Genetics 566: Advanced Genetics
Principles of classical and modern genetic analysis taught through readings in the scientific literature and group projects. Capstone course. Req: Declared in Genetics undergraduate program and Genetics 466, Genetics 468 or Biocore 587. Spring, 3 credits

Genetics 567: Research Companion Seminar
Student-led discussions on scientific, societal, and professional topics relevant to Senior research and selected original research presentations. This course is a companion seminar for independent research and together will fulfill the Genetics major capstone requirement. Req: Instructor consent required. Students should have completed Genetics 466, 468 or Biocore 587 in previous semesters. Concurrent enrollment in Genetics 699, Genetics 681, or Genetics 399 is required. Fall, 1 credit (3 credits with concurrent enrollment)

Genetics 588: Immunogenetics
Immunogenetics focuses on the unique genetic phenomena that occur in lymphocytes during development and response to stimuli. It pays particular attention to the processes of adaptive antigen receptor development and maturation, major histocompatibility complex molecule polygeny and polymorphism in the context of current real-life challenges (e.g. COVID-19, influenza, and HIV), immunological evolution, epigenetics associated with autoimmunity, sex differences in immune responses, and some genetic processes involved in cancer of white blood cells. Ultimately, the genetic mechanisms that drive the immunological and clinical differences observed between individuals when confronted with the same challenge will be examined, and explored through the primary and secondary research literature in order to strengthen scientific literacy. Fall, 3 credits

Genetics 605: Clinical Cases in Medical Genetics
The use of genetics in medicine has experienced significant growth over the past 50 years, identifying risk genes, and devising diagnostic tests and therapies based on this knowledge for specific clinical disorders such as cystic fibrosis, achondroplasia, and Retts syndrome. MDs and biomedical scientists from UW Hospital and Clinics, the School of Medicine and Public Health, and other UW units will present lectures in this field followed by question-answers sessions. Other class sessions will be devoted to student presentations and open discussion of research literature. Req: Genetics 466, 467 or Biocore 383. Spring, 3 credits

Genetics/Microbiology 607: Advanced Microbial Genetics
Molecular genetic methods and related aspects of prokaryotic and lower eukaryotic biology, as well as critical analysis of the scientific literature. Req: Genetics 466 or 468, Biochem 501 or 508, & Grad student. Fall, 3 credits

Genetics/Microbiology/Biochemistry 612: Prokaryotic Molecular Biology
Molecular basis of bacterial physiology and genetics with emphasis on molecular mechanisms; topics include nucleic acid-protein interactions, transcription, translation, replications, recombination, regulation of gene expression. Req: Biochem 501 or 508, Microbiology 470 or equivalent recommended. Fall, 3 credits

Genetics 620: Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
This course focuses on the basic molecular mechanisms that regulate DNA, RNA, and protein metabolism in eukaryotic organisms. This course is intended for advanced undergraduates and first year graduate students with a firm knowledge of basic biochemistry. Req: Graduate standing or Biochem 501 or 508. Spring, 3 credits

Genetics 627: Animal Developmental Genetics
Advanced Genetics course focusing on genetic mechanisms of animal embryonic development, with particular emphasis on central molecular circuitries that control development and genetic analytical tools used to reveal them. Using a combination of lectures and primary research literature reading/student-led seminars, we will address topics including maternal and epigenetic inheritance, the egg-to-embryo transition, pattern formation, organogenesis, coordination of cellular and molecular mechanisms, and animal models of human congenital disorders. Prior completion of Zoology 470 recommended. Req: Genetics 466, Genetics 468 or Biocore 587. Spring, odd years, 3 credits.

Genetics 631: Plant Genetics & Development
This Plant Genetics course is targeted to upper-level undergraduate and graduate students. We will cover the basic concepts of genetics and genomics as applied to plants, including discussions on breeding systems (modes of reproduction, sex determination, self incompatibility and crossing barriers), linkage analysis, genome structure and function (structure, function and evolution of nuclear and organellar chromosomes; haploidy and polyploidy; expression regulation and epigenetics), and a description of current methodologies used in the analysis of these processes. Our objective is to instigate in students a broader knowledge and understanding of the principles and methodologies used in plant genetics such that they can adopt them most effectively in their own research projects, and can describe and discuss them more thoroughly with the general public. This course is based on lectures and in-class discussions of assigned readings. Req: Genetics 466, Genetics 468 or Biocore 587. Fall, 3 credits

Genetics 633 : Population Genetics
This is a graduate-level(and upper-level undergraduate) course in population genetics, aimed at preparing students to initiate research in this field. We will explore how genetic variation is influenced by mutation and recombination, population size changes and migration, and natural selection for or against new mutations. Undergraduates who have completed Genetics 468, Genetics 466, or Biocore 587 may contact the instructors to discuss the appropriateness of this course for their curriculum. Req: Graduate standing. Fall, 3 credits

Genetics 662: Cancer Genetics
Cancer remains one of the most difficult health issues facing our society. There is hope in the horizon due to an increasing understanding of both genetic and epigenetic alterations in cancer. In particular, DNA sequencing of human cancers is becoming more common in major health care centers, and there is expectation that this technology will allow for personalized medicine. Thus, there has been a rapid increase in this knowledge over the last decade. It is expected that students will become aware of the current major issues in cancer research and will be able to critically evaluate the cancer genetics literature. Req: Genetics 466, Genetics 468 or Biocore 383. Fall, 2 credits

Genetics/Medical Genetics 677: Special Topics
Special topics courses. Topic and credits will vary. Req: Genetics 466, Genetics 468, Biocore 383. Fall, Spring, Summer, 1-3 credits

Genetics 681: Senior Honors Thesis
Req: Honors candidacy. Fall, Spring, Summer, 2-4 credits

Genetics 682: Senior Honors Thesis
Continuation of 681 Req: Honors program candidacy and Genetics 681. Fall, Spring, Summer, 2-4 credits

Genetics 699: Special Problems
Advanced work not covered in regular courses Req: Instructor consent. Fall, Spring, Summer, 1-3 credits. Requires completion of Independent Study Agreement Form

Genetics 607/Microbiology 607: Advanced Microbial Genetics
Molecular genetic methods and related aspects of prokaryotic and lower eukaryotic biology, as well as critical analysis of the scientific literature. Approximately two-thirds of the course will focus on prokaryotes and one-third on lower eukaryotic microbes. Enroll Info: Genetics 466, Biochem 501 and graduate standing or cons inst. Fall, 3 credits.

Genetics 610/ Animal Science 610: Quantitative Genetics
An advanced approach with emphasis on statistical foundations. Classical theory with extensions to maternal and paternal effects. Selection theory is considered in depth. P: Genetics 466 and Stats 572 or cons inst. 3 credits.

Genetics 612/Microbiology 612/Biochemistry 612: Prokaryotic Molecular Biology
Molecular basis of bacterial physiology and genetics with emphasis on molecular mechanisms; topics include nucleic acid-protein interactions, transcription, translation, replications, recombination, regulation of gene expression. P: Biochem 501 or 507 and Microbio 470, Genetics 466 or 468 or graduate/professional standing. Fall, 3 credits.

Genetics 615/Agronomy 615/Horticulture 615/Animal Science 615: Genetic Mapping
Computing-intensive course to prepare students for genetic mapping research; linkage analysis and QTL mapping in designed crosses; linkage disequilibrium and association analysis (GWAS). Enroll Info: Recommended preparation is undergraduate courses in genetics and statistics and prior experience writing R scripts (such as module 1 of Stats 327). P: Graduate/professional standing. 3 credits.

Genetics 620: Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
Focuses on the basic molecular mechanisms that regulate DNA, RNA, and protein metabolism in eukaryotic organisms. This course is intended for advanced undergraduates and first  year graduate students with a firm knowledge of basic biochemistry. P: Biochem 501, 508 or graduate/professional standing. Spring, 3 credits.

Genetics 624/ Entomology 624/ Zoology 624: Molecular Ecology
Basic principles of molecular ecology. Lecture topics include population genetics, molecular phylogenetics, rates and patterns of evolution, genome evolution, and molecular ecology. P: Genetics 466, 467, Biocore 383, or graduate/professional standing. Spring, 3 credits.

Genetics 626: Genomic Science
This course is designed to bring cutting-edge topics in the genomic sciences into the reach of traditionally “pure” chemistry, biology, engineering, computer science & statistics students. It is also designed for enabling biologically-oriented students to deal with the advances in analytical science so that they may incorporate new genomic science concepts into their own scientific repertoires. Intended for graduate students and for undergraduates with extensive research experience. P: Graduate student standing or instructor consent. Spring, 2 credits.

Genetics 631: Plant Genetics and Development
Covers the basic concepts of genetics and genomics as applied to plants and their development, including discussions on breeding systems (modes of reproduction, sex determination, self incompatibility and crossing barriers), linkage analysis, genome structure and function (structure, function and evolution of nuclear and organellar chromosomes; haploidy and polyploidy; expression regulation and epigenetics), along with a description of current methodologies used in the analysis of these processes within the context of plant development. The objective is to instigate a broader knowledge and understanding of the principles and methodologies used in plant genetics and their applications in investigations of the molecular mechanisms that modulate plant development. P: Genetics 466, Genetics 468, Biocore 587, or graduate/professional standing. Fall, 3 credits.

Genetics 633 : Population Genetics
This is a graduate-level(and upper-level undergraduate) course in population genetics, aimed at preparing students to initiate research in this field. We will explore how genetic variation is influenced by mutation and recombination, population size changes and migration, and natural selection for or against new mutations. Undergraduates who have completed Genetics 468, Genetics 466, or Biocore 587 may contact the instructors to discuss the appropriateness of this course for their curriculum.
P: Graduate/professional standing. Fall, 3 credits.

Genetics 636/ MD Genetics 636/ Population Health 636: Public Health Genomics
Provides an introduction to public health genomics through a review of fundamental principles of genetics, the use of genetic information in clinical and research settings, and its implications for disease management and prevention, and health promotion. Explores policies that guide public health and discusses current ethical, legal, and social implications of these policies. P: Junior standing and Biology/Botany/Zoology 151 or graduate/professional standing. Spring, 1 credit.

Genetics 655/Plant Pathology 655/Botany 655/MM&I 655: Biology and Genetics of Filamentous Fungi
Fungal genetics, genomics, and physiology using plant pathogenic fungi and the genetic models Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa as model systems to explore the current knowledge of fungal genetics and plant/fungal interactions. Enroll info: Graduate/professional standing. Every other fall, 3 credits.

Genetics/Medical Genetics 677: Special Topics
Contents vary; consideration of subjects not included in the curriculum. Enroll Info: None P: Genetics 466, Genetics 468, Biocore 383 or graduate/professional standing. 1-3 credits.

Genetics 701: Advanced Genetics I
First semester of professional level training in genetic mechanisms and analysis as applied to genetic transmission, gene expression, forward and reverse genetics, molecular genetics, genomics, developmental genetics, and epigenetics. P: Declared in Genetics doctoral program. Fall, 3 credits.

Genetics 702: Advanced Genetics II
Second of semester of professional level training in genetic mechanisms and analysis as applied to genetic transmission, gene expression, forward and revese genetics, molecular genetics, genomics, developmental genetics, and epigenetics. P: Genetics 701. Spring, 3 credits.

Genetics 703/Biochem 703: Topics in Eukaryotic Regulation
Design and interpretation of experiments addressing molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic regulation. For first year graduate students with firm knowledge of basic biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics. Enroll Info: None. P: Genetics/Microbiology/Biochem 612 and cons inst. 2 credits.

Genetics 707/Medical Genetics 707: Genetics of Development
A research-level analysis of the current status of the investigation of processes controlling differential gene activity and cellular behavior. The major emphasis is genetic. In successive years, the focus moves from the gene to the cell to the organism.P: Declared in Genetics doctoral program. Spring, odd years, 3 credits.

Genetics 708 /Medical Genetics 708: Methods and Logic-Genetic Analysis
Contemporary issues in genetic, developmental, cell, and molecular biology are addressed in a discussion format. Invited speakers give research lectures and reading material is taken from the primary literature. The discussion focuses on evaluating genetic approaches to biological problems. P: Declared in Genetics doctoral program. Spring, even years, 3 credits.

Genetics 710/ CRB 710: Developmental Genetics
Covers a broad range of topics in animal development, with an emphasis on molecular mechanisms. Focuses on common themes, with the goal of understanding and analyzing current research in developmental biology and genetics. P: Graduate/professional standing. 3 credits.

Genetics 820/Botany 820/Entom 820/Zoology 820: Foundations of Evolution
Explore some of the most important themes and debates that have permeated evolutionary biology over the last 50 years. Read key papers related to each controversial topic, debate the pros and cons of competing viewpoints, and reflect on the relevance of the issue to contemporary evolutionary biology. P: Graduate/professional standing. Fall, 2 credits.

Genetics 840/Biochem 840/Botany 840: Regulatory Mechanisms in Plant Development
Molecular mechanisms whereby endogenous and environmental regulatory factors control development; emphasis on stimulus perception and primary events in the signal chain leading to modulated gene expression and cellular development. P: Graduate/professional standing. 3 credits.

Genetics 849/Animal Science 849/ Population Health 849: Genetics Epidemiology
This course will provide an introduction to genetic epidemiology. Topics will include a general overview of genetics and Mendelian and complex inheritance, as well as various elements of study design, including participant ascertainment; phenotype definition; biologic sample selection; genotyping, sequencing, and quality control; measurement of covariates, and choice of analytic methods. We will briefly discuss some of the original study designs and then focus on current study designs for the remainder of the class. Additional emerging topics will be briefly touched upon. Students will complete short homework assignments to enforce concepts learned during lectures, discuss journal articles, and prepare a very short grant application for the mid-term project. In the final weeks of class, students will work together to analyze data from a real genetic study, prepare tables, interpret the findings, and present their project to their peers. P: Graduate/professional standing. Every other fall, 3 credits.

Genetics 875: Special Topics
Special topics of current interest to graduate students. P: Graduate/professional standing.  Fall, Spring, 1-4 credits.

Genetics 885: Advanced Genomic and Proteomic Analysis
With the availability of genome sequences and high-throughput techniques, organismal physiology can now be examined on a global scale by monitoring the behavior of all genes or proteins in a single experiment. This course will present modern techniques in genomics and proteomics, with particular focus on analyzing the data generated by these techniques. Course material will cover genomic sequencing, comparative sequence analysis, phylogeny construction and phylogenomics, transcription factor motif discovery, DNA microarray analysis, techniques in mass spectrometry, proteomic screening methods, and protein-interaction network analysis. In addition to lecture time, the course includes computer lab where students get hands-on experience analyzing genomic and proteomic datasets. Students should have coursework in general statistics and intermediate or advanced genetics. P: Graduate/ professional standing. Fall, even years, 3 credits.

Genetics 888/MD Genetics 888/Population Health 888: Public Health Genomics
Uses knowledge gained from genetic and molecular research along with a consideration of ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) to prevent disease and improve the health of the population. An introduction to public health genomics through a review of fundamental principles of genetics, the use of genetic information in clinical and research settings and its implications for disease management and prevention. Gain an awareness of policies that guide public health and discuss current ethical, legal, and social implications of these policies. P: Graduate/professional standing. Spring, 1 credit.

Genetics 915/Biochem 915/BME 915/BMI 915/CBE 915/Comp Sci 915: Computation and Informatics in Biology & Medicine
Participants and outside speakers will discuss current research in computation and informatics in biology and medicine. This seminar is required of all CIBM program trainees. P: Cons inst. Spring, 1 credit.

Genetics 951/Dairy Science951 /Animal Science 951: Seminar in Animal Breeding
P: Graduate/professional standing. 1 credit.

Genetics 957/Agronomy 957/Horticulture 957: Seminar-Plant Breeding
Graduate seminar in Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics (PBPG) that requires students to give oral scientific presentations on topics chosen by the instructors and/or the student?s thesis research. This seminar is coordinated by PBPG faculty on a rotating basis. P: Graduate/professional standing. Fall, Spring, 1 credit.

Genetics 990: Research
Independent laboratory research in preparation of a graduate thesis under supervision of a faculty member.  P: Cons inst.  Fall, Spring, Summer, 1-12 credits.

Genetics 993: Seminar in Genetics
Various aspects of genetics: Drosophila, maize, immunogenetics, developmental genetics, or other special topics.  Students may enroll in two or more sections if they wish. P: Cons inst. Summer, 1 credit.

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Genetics 470: Basic Cytology & Lab Procedure
I, 1 cr A comprehensive review of cellular biology, the study of optical methods with emphasis on the light microscope and the various techniques used in preparation and staining of specimens for cytologic and histologic study. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 471: Advanced Laboratory Procedures
II, 1 cr Preparation of non-gynecologic cytologic specimens using several different instrument methodologies. Application of universal precautions and safety in the handling of unknown biologic hazards. Introduction to histologic preparatory techniques and special staining methods. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 568: The Central Nervous System
II, 1 cr Anatomy, physiology, histology and pathology of the central nervous system and the corresponding cellular manifestations which provide diagnostic information. Cell changes related to specimen preparation. Correlation of the didactic information with the microscopic cellular patterns to provide a diagnosis. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 569: The Breast
II, 1 cr. Anatomy, histology, physiology and pathology of the breast and the corresponding cellular manifestations which provide diagnostic information. Cell changes related to specimen processing. Correlation of the didactic information with the microscopic cell patterns to provide a diagnosis. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 570: The Female Reproductive System
I, 8 cr. Anatomy, histology, physiology, and pathology of the female reproductive tract and the corresponding cellular manifestations which provide diagnostic information. Cellular changes due to therapy and specimen collection. Correlation of the didactic information with the microscopic cellular patterns to provide a diagnosis. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 571: Clinical Practice I
I, 1 cr. Clinical practicum to develop diagnostic expertise involving the microscopic examination of routine gynecologic specimens (Pap smears). Observe the signout of abnormal cytologic specimens by cytopathologist staff. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 572: The Respiratory System
I, 3 cr. Anatomy, histology, physiology and pathology of the respiratory tract and the corresponding cellular manifestations which provide diagnostic information. Cell changes related to specimen processing. Correlation of the didactic information with the microscopic cellular patterns to provide a diagnosis. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 573: The Genitourinary System
I, 2 cr. Anatomy, physiology, histology and pathology of the urinary tract and male reproductive systems and the corresponding cellular manifestations which provide diagnostic information. Cell changes related to specimen processing. Correlation of didactic information with microscopic cell patterns to provide a diagnosis. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 574: The Gastrointestinal System
II, 3 cr Anatomy, histology, physiology and pathology of the gastrointestinal system and the corresponding cellular manifestations which provide diagnostic information. Cell changes related to specimen processing. Correlation of the didactic information with the microscopic cellular patterns to provide a diagnosis. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 575: Miscellaneous Systems
II, 3 cr Anatomy, histology, physiology and pathology of skin, thyroid, lymph nodes and other sites and the corresponding celluular manifestations which provide diagnostic information. Emphasis on specimen collection by fine needle aspiration. Correlation of the didactic information with the microscopic cellular patterns to provide a diagnosis. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 576: Effusions
II, 2 cr. Anatomy, physiology, histology and pathology of the body cavities. Cytologic manifestations which provide diagnostic information. Cell changes related to specimen processing. Correlation of the didactic information with the microscopic cellular patterns to provide a diagnosis. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 577: Applied Cytology I
II, 1 cr. Written and practical application of the comprehensive body of knowledge to all aspects of preparation, evaluation, correlation and diagnosis of cytologic speciments. PL Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 578: Applied Cytology II
SS, 1 cr. Written and practical application of the advanced comprehensive body of knowledge to all aspects of preparation, evaluation, correlation and diagnosis of cytologic specimens. Practice in nationally offered cytologic examinations. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 670: Seminar-Clinical Cytogenetics
II, 1 cr. Overview of the basic features of chromosome structure and behavior including karyotyping clinical correlates of numerical and structural chromosome aberrations, sex chromosome abnormalities, breakage syndromes and the chromosomal changes associated with the development of cancer. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 671: Advanced Clinical Practice
SS, 8 cr. Clinical practicum to develop diagnostic expertise of cytologic specimens. Examine challenging cases with emphasis on diagnostic pitfalls. Observe patient clinics related to cytologic specimen collection. Participate at clinical experiences in fine needle aspiration, histology, and a private cytology laboratory. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 672: Seminar in Laboratory Operations & Quality Control
II, 1 cr. Review the fundamentals of basic administrative functions and regulatory requirements including planning, organizing, supervising and controlling business management, record keeping, data processing and laboratory safety. Quality assurance procedures necessary for obtaining, processing, diagnosing and reporting cytologic specimens. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene

Genetics 673: Seminar in Clinical Cytology
SS, 1 cr. Preparation of a case study or clinical topic of choice by each student to present to a peer professional group of cytology staff and medical faculty. Preparation of a referenced scientific term paper or participation in an approved research or class project pertaining to cliniccal cytology. P: Stdt must be enrolled in the cytotechnology internship prgm at the WI State Lab of Hygiene