The Laboratory of Genetics supports the mission of the University of Wisconsin–Madison as it works to create a diverse, inclusive, and excellent learning and work environment for all students, faculty, staff and alumni who partner with the university and our department. The Laboratory of Genetics is committed to recruiting, retaining and graduating academically excellent and creative scientists who are diverse in gender, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic background. We accomplish these goals through our recruitment activities at national conferences such as SACNAS and ABRCMS, promotion of active learning in the classroom, mentoring activities of our campus STEM student organizations, outreach activities such as Darwin Day and professional development events offered through the SciMedGRS program, to name a few.
Our priority is to make progress toward the UW-Madison strategic diversity interests:
1) Increasing access for all qualified students, especially for underrepresented minorities and women in STEM
2) Eliminating the achievement gap between majority and underrepresented students
3) Recruiting and retaining a more diverse faculty, students and staff and lastly
4) Preparing all our students, staff and faculty to thrive personally and professionally in a world that is diverse, global and interconnected.
Diversity Commitee

Bret Payseur
Position title: Professor

Carin Loewen, PhD
Position title: Instructional Faculty Associate: Teaching and Advising

Donna Werling
Position title: Assistant Professor

Emma Howell
Position title: Graduate Student

Rory Greenhalgh
Position title: Graduate Student

Martha Reck
Position title: Graduate Program Manager