
Departmental Resources

Confocal Facility

The Laboratory of Genetics Confocal Facility provides access to a Zeiss 510 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope and knowledgable expertise for high-resolution confocal microscopic imaging, data processing, and image analysis.

Genetics Intranet

An internal site which contains useful documents and links for Laboratory of Genetics members.

Campus Resources and Facilities

Research Project Resource Guide

The Research Project Resource Guide is a roadmap for researchers on the UW-Madison campus, connecting them to the materials, information, contacts, and assets available for every stage of the research process.

Biophysics Instrumentation Facility (BIF)

The BIF is part of the UW-Madison Department of Biochemistry and provides state-of-the-art instruments to enable structural analysis of macromolecules.

Biotechnology Center

The UW Biotechnology Center provides fee-for-service research support through several facilities, including:

Next Generation Sequencing Center
DNA Synthesis Facility
Gene Expression Center
Mass Spectrometry Facility
Targeted Genome Editing Facility
Transgenic Facility

The UW CCC provides service to patients and researchers through several shared facilities including:

The UW-Madison HTCondor Project supports high-throughput computing on large collections of computing resources distributed across campus.  Users can work with the HTC group to implement and submit highly parallelized computing processes for high-throughput computational projects.

The NMRFAM facility is available to scientists on and off campus to support research on macromolecular structure, dynamics, functional analysis, and metabolomic and natural product analysis.