Julius Adler
Position title: Emeritus Professor
Email: adler@biochem.wisc.edu
Phone: 608-262-3693
Biochemistry and Genetics
- Address
- 6404 HF DeLuca Biochemical Sciences Building
- Lab Website
- https://biochem.wisc.edu/emeritus/adler
- Department
- Biochemistry and Genetics
- Education
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Postdoctoral Research: Washington University School of Medicine 1957 to 1959 Stanford University School of Medicine 1959-1960

Research Description:
I am doing research on sensory reception and decision making in Drosophila fruit flies.
1.) The flies are presented with attractant, then after that with repellent, and in this way mutants are found which are not attracted or repelled by anything, though they are still motile. Such mutants are defective in a final step of sensory reception needed for telling the legs and wings what to do.
2.) The flies are presented with an attractant and at the same time with repellent; now the flies need to decide what to do. Mutants that can not make this decision and are still motile are being isolated. The defects in these two kinds of mutants will be discovered. This will reveal the mechanisms involved.
In larger perspective, this provides an entree into the study of the fly’s brain. Similar work will also be attempted in mice.
Dr. Adler is no longer accepting graduate students.
Representative Publications:
Search PubMed for more publications by Julius Adler
Julius Adler. My Life with Nature. Prefatory chapter of Annual Review of Biochemistry, 2011.
Timmie Sharma, Julius Adler et al. Integrating Different Senses: The Response of Drosophila to Conflicting Stimuli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2011 in press.
Julius Adler. In Search of the Boss: The Thing in Each Organism that Is in Charge. BioEssays 2011 in press.
Lar Vang and Julius Adler, Mutants in the Boss Now Isolated. In preparation.