Cara Moravec


Pelegri Lab

What do you investigate? I use zebrafish to determine the role of maternally expressed RNAs and proteins during early development.

What did you want to be as a kid? veterinarian or ballet dancer

When did you become interested in a career in science? I took a biotechnology class in high school and I enjoyed learning about and working with DNA.

What is your favorite thing about Madison? I love the lakes, the snow and the state park system.

Blu in a dog agility competition

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Hopefully, leading my own research group and exploring the role of maternal products

What are your hobbies? Dog agility competitions, baking, hiking, and stand up paddle boarding

What do you like to cook? I am a huge fan of desserts and soups. I love a tasty soup during the winter.

Do you have any pets? I have a rescue dog named Blu, and I also foster dogs for a local rescue.


Park S*, Dahn RD*,Kurt E, Presle A, VanDenHeuvel K, Moravec C, Jambhekar A, Olukoga O, Echard A,  Blower M, Skop AR: The mammalian midbody and midbody remnant are assembly sites for RNA and localized translation. Dev Cell. 2023. 

Nair S* Welch EL*, Moravec CE*, Trevena RL*, Hansen CL, Pelegri F: The midbody component Prc1-like is required for microtubule reorganization during cytokinesis and dorsal determinant segregation in the early zebrafish embryo. Development. 2023.                             * Shared 1st authorship 

Moravec CE, Voit G, Pelegri F: Determining the role of maternally-expressed genes in early development by using maternal crispants.  J. Vis. Exp. 2021.

Moravec CE, Voit G, Otterlee J, Pelegri F:  Identification of Maternal-effect Genes in Zebrafish using Maternal Crispant Development. 2021.

Moravec CE, Pelegri F: The role of the cytoskeleton in germ plasm aggregation and compaction in the zebrafish embryo. Maternal Effect Genes in Development, Volume 140 July 2020. 

Moravec CE, Pelegri F: An Accessible Protocol for the generation of CRISPR-Cas9 knockouts using INDELs in Zebrafish. Vertebrate Embryogenesis. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1920: Chapter 23

Moravec CE, Yousef H, Kinney BA, Salerno-Eichenholz R, Monestime CM, Martin BL Sirotkin HI: Zebrafish sin3b mutants are viable but have size, skeletal, and locomotor defects. Dev. Dyn. 2017. 

Moravec CE, Samuel J. Weng W, Wood IC Sirotkin HI:  Maternal Rest/Nrsf Regulates Zebrafish Behavior Through snap25a/b. J Neurosci. 2016.

Moravec CE, Li E, Maaswinkel H. Kritzer MF, Weng W, Sirotkin HI: Rest mutant zebrafish swim erratically and display atypical spatial preference. Behav Brain Res. 2015.

Wang AH, Zare H, Mousavi K, Wang C, Moravec CE, Sirotkin Hi, Ge K, Gutierrez-Cruz G, Sartorelli V: The histone chaperons Spt6 coordinates histone H3K27 demethylation and myogenesis.  EMBO J. 2013. 

Kok FO, Taibi A, Wanner SJ, Xie X, Moravec CE, Love CE, Prince VE, Mumm JS, Sirotkin HI: Zebrafish rest regulates developmental gene expression but not neurogenesis. 

Development 2012.