2023’s Outstanding Senior Awards

Congratulations to this year’s Genetics and Genomics Outstanding Senior Award winners Raya Nahlawi and Mae Hurtado-Thiele! 

Raya Nahlawi

Raya performed research studying Cellular and Molecular Regulation of Mammalian Heart Regeneration​ in the Mahmoud lab. 

She also demonstrated exemplary service towards increasing literacy in English, Math, Physics and Science through tutoring and outreach. Raya previously received the Genetics & Genomics Distinguished Undergraduate Research Fellowship, the Demeter Outstanding Sophomore Scholarship Awardee​, and placed in the CALS Dean’s List. 

Raya plans on attending medical school at Case Western Reserve. 


Mae Hurtado-Thiele

Mae performed research studying the role of acylcarnitines during cold exposure in brown adipocytes​ in the Simcox lab. 

She also displayed exemplary service to under-represented individuals including BIPOC, UW Missing in Action Recovery & Identification Project, and PEOPLE program, and to Club Field Hockey, UGA & CALS​. Mae previously received the Genetics & Genomics Distinguished Undergraduate Research Fellowship and was a Hilldale Research Fellowship Awardee​. 

Mae plans on attending the NIH Cancer Research Training Fellowship Program.